6 Ways To Relax After Work

6 ways to detsress and relax after work
We are the worst at relaxing after work – in fact we work after we finish work – which means that sometimes we find it very hard to just take a step back and relax. So we thought we would come up with some after 6pm rules to help us relax and get a better work life balance. Here are a few of our ways to relax after the working day is done.

Step away from the laptop
This is a massive one for us, we are glued to our laptops for most of the day, so we wont to shutdown that computer by 6. Otherwise you find yourself online shopping/ reading/ website hopping and before you know it another 3 hours has passed.

Treat yourself
You should always treat yourself at least once a day, whether it’s a pair of shoes, a piece of chocolate, a glass of wine or a spa night. Treating yourself is very important and we shouldn’t forget that.

Breathing can sometimes help you detach from a stressful day at the office, or just simply take you further away from all your troubles. Don’t knock it until you try it – find a quiet place and just breathe.

Social media ban
Who’s sat down to watch an episode of Eastenders – thought to themselves – i’ll just quickly check Facebook and then Eastenders has finished.

See the gals for a catchup
There is nothing like having an evening in or out with the girl to recharge and just have a girly gossip. That is the BESt way in out opinion – no more bad moods, just giggle, prosecco and usually pizza.

Not for everyone we know – but if you get the chance to fit in some exercise in the evenings – it’s a major mood change. And when you get home you can slob out on the sofa, knowing that you worked hard at the gym.

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