Halloween Collection At Lush

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We’re always telling you about the products that we’re buying at Lush, so we thought we’d continue with tradition and tell you all about the 2016 Halloween collection. We’re really excited about this one, because it marks that start of the colder weather and actually wanting to chill out in a lovely warm glitter filled bath with a glass of prosecco and catching up on our favourite shows. So here we have this years 2016 Halloween photography backdrop collection.

Monsters Ball bath bomb – we bought this purely because it was shaped as a monster. The bath bomb itself has a lot of toning ingredients and conditioning, so  it really is great to take your through the colder weather.

Sparkly Pumpkin bubble bar – you can either use this all at once or break it into quarters/ halves and watch your bath turn into a bubbly heaven. It also coats you in glitter – no up everyones street, but this makes us really happy.

Lava Lamp bath bomb – This bath bomb burst out with purple blobs to give you the appearance of lava lamps – so very old school. Also it’s full of cocoa butter which is full of body moisturising agents.

Boo Bath melts – This little dude just melts away in your bath, leaving behind a calming mimosa and warming ginger, which leaves you with super soft skin.

Autumn Leaf bath bomb – The bath bomb release the beautiful colours of Autumn – red and yellow to signify the leaves falling on the ground.

Now the only thing left is to decide which one you will choose?! Check out the full Lush Halloween collection here.

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