How To Be Happy

This time of year can be tricky for some. With the darker nights and a lack of inspiration around and one rain filled day after another, it can leave you feeling drained, unenthused and just bored. Here are some things that you can do in your life as and when you need to, to make you happier, relaxed and on point.

eastbourne lifestyle 171.Put Yourself First
Sometimes this one is a tough one you try to please everyone and you just can’t do it. Take charge of your own happiness and when things are overwhelming remember to breathe. Make yourself feel better – dance around your house if thats what it is that helps.

2. Make To Do Lists
This is our favourite one – nothing better that crossing a task thats been completed out. Just make sure you’re true to yourself and don’t put to much on that list. You can’t do 100 things in one day. Start with the most important and work your way down. It really is a good feeling to know that you haven’t wasted the day.

eastbourne lifestyle 153. Get Up Earlier
This one is a daily struggle! If you hit snooze after the initial alarm, then you’ve failed at your first task of the day. Try getting up a bit earlier, before the alarm, if you can. You’ll feel like you’ve accomplished something, whether it’s beating the alarm clock, however you want to look at it, it’s a better start to the day. Now that you’re up earlier, you will have a bit more time during the day to keep to yourself. Make a nice breakfast, catch up on Eastenders, take a bit longer on your hair. No need for a morning rush!

eastbourne lifestyle 164. Be Active
There are no downsides to this one. You feel better, you’ll be healthier and have more get up and go in the long run. It’s especially important in those winter nights to keep yourself going. Even if it’s a half hour walk a day, it’s better than nothing.

5. Spend Time With Your Friends
This one is non negotiable. After a hectic week last week, not seeing anyone for said week, you start to become a bit stir crazy and insular. Friends make you laugh, laughing makes you happy and after all friends are the family that you choose.

6. Reward yourself
This is our favourite one. Obvioulsy don’t do it for no reason. Acknowledge when you’ve accomplished something. If you’ve completed a task that as taken you a while or if you’ve finally got that potty training down with your toddler, treat yourself. It doesn’t have to be big. It could be those shoes you’ve been dying to buy, or eating a brownie. Whatever it is that makes you happy.

7. Don’t Eat Crap
This is one of the most important things that you can do for a healthy mind and body. Choosing healthier options gives you more energy, keeps moods at bay and stops you feeling like poop.
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8. You Time
This is so important, but possibly one of the hardest, especially if you’ve got children. It can be 5 minutes a day, one hour a week whatever you can fit in, so that you can recharge. It could be something as simple as sitting down with a nice tea and a bit of cake in front of the tele or a bath, or a bit of Sunday night pampering.

9. Be Tidy
As Martha Stewart once said;

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Which means if a friend/ parent calls to say that they are on their way round, all you need to do is fluff up the pillows and switch the kettle one. No one wants to come home after a long day at work with the idea of slumping on the sofa and relaxing to realise they left the house in a massive mess and the floordrobe has now also taken over the hallway.

10. Look Forward
Having something to look forward to is the best way to get you through winter. If you’re in the position to book your summer holiday now, then do it. Alternatively you and your partner might want a weekend getaway, book it or simply plan a day out with your girls. And focus on all the good things going on!


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