Overcoming Wedding Nerves

You are drawing close to the most important day of your life – the day you have been dreaming of since you were a little girl. You are finally marrying your prince charming, your soul mate and your life partner. So, why do you feel so nervous?

Portrait session with Katie & Jon” (CC BY 2.0) by Donnell Perry Photography

Pre-wedding nerves are completely normal. You can expect a huge range of intense feelings on the big day; from excitement to feeling really emotional. Of course, it is a big and important day, one that will create a multitude of memories to look back on.

wedding dress
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Last Minute Concerns

Most brides are excited and can’t wait to marry their partner. However, apparently, there are some common factors that cause anxiety for people about to tie the knot. Here they are…

  • Last Minute Doubts: Both partners often worry that the other will have a last minute change of heart, with some even being fearful of their partner not turning up on the day.
  • Are They the One? Some brides and bridegrooms have admitted to worrying whether they are marrying the right person, or if they are just settling for someone.
  •  Will They Change? Many people worry that life might be different after they have tied the knot. Will their loving partner change and become someone else?
  • Am I Worthy? Believe it or not, some people have a confidence crash before their wedding, as reality makes them question whether they deserve the person they are about to marry.

diamond_samples_B-007” (CC BY 2.0) by Seth Lemmons

Combating Niggling Doubts

It’s very normal to have last minute doubts and concerns about getting married, especially if you’re a natural worrier. But most of these thoughts are unfounded. Combating these nerves and anxieties will help you to release any negative feelings towards getting married and encourage you to enjoy your day to the max. Communicating with your partner and discussing and concerns will help them to reassure you that there’s no need to worry. Chat through your reservations with friends and let them help you feel calmer. A fun and interesting way to get advice from an outside influence (if you don’t want to speak to anyone close to you) to help is to have an angel card Tarot reading. These readings very much focus on romance and can pinpoint your relationship and your future together, helping you to feel reassured by your choices.

Wedding – Ana & Hugo” (CC BY 2.0) by Shopbackdrop

Eliminate Stress by Getting Organised

Do everything possible to combat your concerns so that any last-minute stress does not emphasise it. There is always the final elements of the wedding to deal with. If you’re only finishing work a few days before then there’s no doubt that you have an action packed few days of final arrangements before your big day. Brides also have the added responsibility of making sure everything is ready for the bridesmaids. Complete as many tasks as possible in the weeks leading up to the wedding, and ask friends and family to help out with the last few arrangements.

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