You Haven’t Tasted Good Halloumi Fries Until You’ve Tasted 7Bone Halloumi Fries

You haven’t tasted good halloumi fries until you’ve tasted 7Bone halloumi fries

We eat out A LOT (for research purposes of course) and thought that we would share our thought on the halloumi fries available in Eastbourne. Mainly our thoughts on the halloumi fries available at 7Bone Burger Co, which in our opinion are the best halloumi fries available in Eastbourne. We’ve tried them all. Some, like Half Man Half Burger come very close, but the 7Bone are that best.

If you want to grab some and try them out for yourself, they are the chicken fried halloumi fries. Let us know what you think.

Image via the 7Bone Burger Co Facebook page here

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